
Serving God Is A Real Big Business!

It is a real big business with excellent mouth watering 'wages'!
If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.” – Job 36:11
You don’t have to be a preacher, pastor or an evangelist to serve God. Every child of God is called to serve. As it written, “… thou shalt worship the lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve..” Lk 4:8
As we all know:
•    Abraham was not a preacher, but was called God’s servant – Ps 105:42
•    Daniel was a politician but was God’s servant – Dan 6:20
•    Job was the greatest businessman in his days but God called him ‘My servant’ – Job 1:8
•    David was king of Israel but god’s servant – Ps 89:20-24
•    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were public servants and at the same time servants of the most high God. – Dan 3:26

Servant-hood is all about a commitment to serving the interests of another.

•    Therefore, a servant of God is someone who is all out to serve God and the interest of His kingdom on earth.
•    However, serving God is not a gift neither is it a calling, it is purely CHOICE – Josh 24:15
•    As Jesus once said; ‘why are you looking for me, don’t you know I must be about my father’s business?’ Lk 2:49
•    Serving God is real business and a big time business for that matter!

How is serving God a big time Business?

This is because, its returns are unmatchable and these include the following among others:
When we serve God (Ex 23:25 -26)
•    He blesses our bread and our water
•    He takes sickness away from the midst of us
•    He stops every form of miscarriage
•    He turns barrenness into fruitfulness
•    He satisfies us with long life
This is the reason behind the unmatchable rewards that accrue to every soul winner. Jn 4:36

Some soul winning ‘wages’ include:

•    Guaranteed answers to prayer – Jn 15:16
•    Divine favour – Ps 102:13-15, which includes the following among others: Miracle marriage, miracle babies Ps 127:3 and supernatural breakthrough Ps 44: 1-3.
•    Divine Health – Pro 13:17
•    Divine protection Lk 10:19
•    Divine wisdom – Dan 12:3
•    Supernatural supplies – Lk 22:35
•    Signs and wonders – Mk 16: 15-20

You can see from the ‘wages’ listed above that serving God is a big time business indeed. It surely qualifies for any level of investment anybody can make.

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